Deogiri Institute Of Technology & Management Studies

Admission Process

Admission Process

A) Admission

B) Rules for Refund of fees

I For Granted Courses
II. For Non-Granted Courses

Code of Conduct

A) Attendance

B) Code of Conduct for Students

1. General Discipline

Students are expected to maintain discipline at all times- in class and on campus. The use of cellular / mobile phones, pagers, walkers and other wireless equipment is prohibited in the working areas of the Institute (classrooms, corridors, library, lab). Violation of this rule may lead to confiscation of the instrument by the authorities. Students are also expected to conduct themselves properly in the hostel and outside the campus. Students who get involved in public disturbances will face suspension or possible expulsion from the Institute.

2. Dress code

Students are always expected to be in the uniform (White Shirt & Blue Jeans) while they are in campus except on Thursday.

3. Punctuality

Students are expected to be punctual for their classes, as well as for seminars, present2ations, and assessment tests.

4. Evaluation Process

Any use of unfair means in any component of evaluation in the programme is viewed seriously by the Institute. The student is expected to keep herself/ himself well informed about the latest examination regulations. The regulations will be informed to the students in advance and will also be available at respective department.

5. General

Students are expected to make proper use of all the amenities provided on campus including the library, lab and the common room facilities. Disciplinary action will be taken against students who misuse these facilities. Students are required not to litter classrooms and other working areas of the Institute. OHPs and other audio-visual equipment used in class should be handled with care.

6. Disciplinary Action

All cases of individual misconduct/indiscipline will be investigated by the Disciplinary Committee duly constituted by the Principal. This committee will hear the students’ viewpoint before making its recommendations to the Principal in each individual case. The decision of the Principal shall be final and binding. Disciplinary action for misconduct will include the imposition of a fine, exclusion from the award of trophies/ prizes, withholding of placement opportunities on campus, debarring from appearing for the final examinations, and in serious cases, suspension/expulsion from the programme. The Institute reserves the right to ask a student to leave the programme at any time during the academic year, if the student’s academic performance and general conduct as adjudged by the Institute be found unsatisfactory.

C) Punitive Action as per Statute Section 87(8) and Ordinance 129

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